Kampagne für die OESPID

Poster campaign of a self-help group

ÖSPID advises people with a primary immunodeficiency and raises awareness.

Development of poster motifs for an awareness campaign of the Austrian Self-Help Group for People with Primary Immunodeficiency (ÖSPID)

Anyone suffering from a primary immunodeficiency can receive treatment if they know their diagnosis. With this poster campaign, ÖSPID wants to draw attention to the possibility of testing.

Poster campaign for more attention


The Austrian self-help group for people with primary immunodeficiency, ÖSPID, would like to make more people aware of the niche disease immunodeficiency. There are still people affected who are unaware of their illness and suffer from it for a long time, even though there are good treatment options. The campaign was aimed at patients, relatives and doctors, to educate and inform them that they can be tested.


Because the people concerned are very often still looking for the right diagnosis, are frequently ill and spend a lot of time in doctors’ surgeries, a classic poster campaign for medical facilities should be developed. People should feel that their distress is taken seriously, but the content should not scare them, but offer a solution/relief.

Classic print products for a poster campaign


The core message is formulated as a question and picks up the patients where they are – in the waiting room: Do you see your doctor more often than your family? Help is offered immediately: Get tested for PID and get advice from the support group. The slogan “Testing is knowledge is life” is catchy and to the point. The design is friendly, the choice of colors suggests, in contrast to a medical appearance, normality, peace, warmth, family – something that those affected long for. The QR code makes it possible to contact ÖSPID immediately. The poster can be downloaded from the website.

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