
The GLG Association is the largest healthcare provider in northeastern Brandenburg, encompassing hospitals, medical care centers, care and rehabilitation facilities, residential homes and consultation centers. The goal was to build a new online presence that reflects the company’s services and resonates with respective target audiences on an emotional and accessible level.

The Implementation

The challenge was to showcase the complex and interwoven content of the association as a whole as well as the services of the individual hospitals in a clear and informative manner. Additionally, new features including a live patient chat, a visualization of the individual treatment process for patients and a complex search function were added.

Crucial for Success

A special color scheme was chosen for maximum clarity and intuitive usability. The four core subject areas, organization, hospital, rehab and care are not only visually separated by color, they also act together as interlocking steps in the treatment cycle. The redesign involved reducing the number of menu options, choosing comprehensible labels, using understandable language and relying on visual representations as much as possible.
Additional design measures were taken, including the use of large typography and high contrast values for improved accessibility. Great care was also taken in ensuring that the website displays correctly regardless of the type of device and screen size.


The strict focus on the target audience combined with the client’s extensive range of services, allowed us to build a low-threshold website that is appealing and works on a professional, informative level.

More information:

» | Website for the GLG Association

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