And the winner is…

Do you want to get to the top? Then simply come and see us.

Cicero magazine published its new list of the “500 most important intellectuals” in its February issue. Cicero writes: “The list reflects the intellectual influence of German-speaking intellectuals”. Important and influential are not the same thing, we as communication experts have to object, but apart from that, we naturally took a look at the list straight away. You’re curious to see how many of them you’ve met at the buffet.

Finally on the winners’ podium.

Philosophers have the best chances

For this list, names are measured in print, on the Internet and in an electronic archive, in each case over the last ten years, using a complex procedure. The fact that even in the ten-year average, virologist Christian Drosten made it to 18th place out of 500 as a newcomer is huge. Otherwise, doctors tend to end up at the bottom of the rankings. And that despite the pandemic. Philosophers and writers have the best chances. The public just wants the world explained, or at least glossed over.

Your goal: maximum public attention

But what would all these stars be without the machinery that gets them into the media? The inventor of the ranking, Max A. Höfer, writes on his own blog: The ranking “measures intellectual productivity in terms of public attention”. So, attention is the goal. But for someone to become aware of something, it first needs publicity. That’s where the cat bites its own tail. And what if you have neither one nor the other, but want to? You, for example?

Then you need us. If you also want to be among the top 500 intellectual elite, a good PR campaign is essential, preferably with an entire communications team that will beam you forward with a 1 A strategy. And in such a way that the users like it. Because you want to be read and always recommended – for maximum public attention (see above).

Campaign plus canapés

Your collaboration with UVA would look like this: Start with a crazy thesis (it doesn’t have to be a virus), embellish it, be enigmatic but honest, easy to understand but challenging. Together we will then serve your social media channels, send out press releases and invite you to press conferences with canapés. Then write a book about your encounters with other celebrities. At some point, the campaign becomes a self-runner, including public abuse and invitations to talk shows and jungle camps.

Conclusion: The list of the Top 500 is once again exciting, and if you want to get there too, we will be happy to help you. As communication professionals and PR strategists, that would be an honor for us.

If you have managed it, this guide will be helpful: How to open champagne with a sabre.

You can read more about UVA’s strategy work here.

